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Meet the Leaders

Positions will be updated for this new year soon

Committee Chair: Leigh Anne Michaelson

Leigh Anne is active in Pack 7215, Troop 7215 & Troop 9215 in the Sheridan. When out of her Scout uniform she can be found crafting or camping with her family. “I started as a Scouter because of my son. My son is an Eagle Scout and an adult. My daughter is a member of Scouts BSA Troop 215. I stay in Scouting because of what it instills in our youth and our adults. I have a love of all of all the leadership opportunities I have received since I’ve been in scouting.”

Pack Leader and Bear Den Leader: Ashton Sanders

I went through Scouts from Tiger Cub to Eagle Scout. I worked 2 years at my local BSA Youth Leadership camp, 4 years at Summer Camp, and much more. I’m very happy to have two boys who are excited for the scouting program.

Scouting has made me a better person and given me some of the best experiences in my life. Scouting teaches responsibility, leadership and integrity to the future leaders of the world.

Webelos Den Leader: Steven Brown

(Bio coming)

Webelos Den Leader: Sachet (Sassy) Brown

Helped with venturing crew 215 in Sheridan Oregon 2016-2017. Woodbadge trained. Last year was my first year with cub scouts. Ready for more adventures.

Den Leader: Jon Brown

I’ve been in scouting for over 18 years. In that time I have been inducted into the order of the arrow, earned my eagle scout, staffed at several scouting functions including butte creek scout ranch, been apart of the League of Extraordinary staffers. I’ve been to NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) and I’m currently working on completing my WoodBadge training. Scouting has not only taught me outdoor skills, but leadership skills, and how to be a valuable member of my community. When I’m not scouting you can find my wife, my 4 kids and I on the farm with some ribs in the smoker.

© 2025 Cub Scout Pack 215 - Boy Scouts of America